Skyyys at the Bobby Hotel, BASH Exhbit
Dave Greber’s "Skyyys™" is a rainbow-gradient meteor shower of objects relentlessly bouncing off a series of quantum planes.
I’m showing the original single channel version of Skyyys™, at a group exhibition in Nashville.
Tinney Contemporary is proud to present BASH, a celebratory group exhibition in collaboration with The Collection at Bobby Hotel. The exhibition will be on display from April 20, 2023 through September 3, 2023.
In commemoration of Bobby Hotel’s fifth birthday, the exhibition is a visual manifestation of revelry, bringing together works that are energetic, colorful, and dynamic. BASH is art-exhibition-as-birthday-party, a cathartic outburst, confetti and fireworks, the pop of champagne and clinking of glasses, the woozy neon glow of the city at night.
Consistent with The Collection at Bobby Hotel’s budding reputation as an elevated space to experience artwork, the exhibition emphasizes a formal optimism: the potency of vibrant colors, the importance of art-making, and the inherent value in crafting bright, thoughtful spaces.
curated by Joshua Edward Bennett
ALEX BLAU- Nashville, TN - @alexblau1999
JANE BRADDOCK- Nashville, TN - @daisy_bird
AMELIA BRIGGS- Nashville, TN - @amelia.projects
ANDRÉS BUSTAMANTE- Nashville, TN -@andresbustm
DAN CHARBONNET- New Orleans, LA - @charbonnet.dan
WESLEY CLARK- Washington, D.C. - @wesleyclarkart
DAVE GREBER- Baltimore, MD - @davaygrebere
RICHARD HARRIS- Atlanta, GA - @richardharrisart
BONNIE MAYGARDEN- Atlanta, GA - @bonniemaygarden
DUNCAN MCDANIEL- Nashville, TN - @duncan_mcdaniel
NICK NABER- Brooklyn, NY - @nicknaber
MELODIE PROVENZANO- Springfield, TN - @melodiep
BRET SHIRLEY- Brooklyn, NY - @bortshirbey